Passing Exams in a Post-pandemic World

by | Mar 9, 2023 | Education

Exam anxiety?

This is the first year since the pandemic hit us that it is business as usual with regards to exams.   For many students, this will understandably cause some level of anxiety as there is less familiarity with processes, procedures and generally what to expect.

Also for many students, learning has been massively impacted by covid and there may be gaps in knowledge and a decrease in confidence. As we come out of mock exam season and the real run-up to exams starts, there are key things both students and parents can do to help with exam preparation. It is important to stay as calm and focused as possible. We have information freely available on our website blog page about this but are also happy to help out directly too so feel free to get in touch to see how a private tutor could help with exam preparation and success.

How can a private tutor help me?



During the pandemic, many students had an interruption of learning. They often had to miss key parts of the curriculum and also had to adapt to online learning which was a huge shift. For some, this has had minimal impact but for others it has regrettably put them at a disadvantage going into exam season this year.   One of the key things a tutor can do is to work with students systematically to identify exactly where those gaps in learning have been and so where to focus top-up learning attention. This will help to ensure that all ground has been covered and students have all the relevant subject knowledge ahead of taking the summer exams.



In the midst of so much disruption and change, many students have had lower overall confidence when it comes to academic success. Confidence rarely reappears out of nowhere! This is something a tutor can help with. By breaking things down into smaller, achievable chunks, students can see their own progress, which can really help to facilitate a positive and confident mindset. By being able to quantifiably see where and how they are improving rather than focusing on the gaps, confidence tends to increase, which is an important component for exam success.



Preparing for exams takes planning, preparation and discipline. There needs to be a crystal clear understanding of what is expected and needed for a student to achieve a given grade. Tutors can help with planning of revision timetables, time management and also factoring in any catch up that needs to happen. Doing this with a tutor to support the process can be very helpful as there is someone dedicated to you alone who is tracking where you are up to and revising the planning process as needed.



Passing exams is a skill and is something that all students can improve upon. It takes planning, discipline, composure and confidence. These are all qualities a student can grow in with the right support in place. It is a great time to start proactively working on exam technique and planning in the springtime to avoid last minute panics and cramming in the summer term!

About Bristol Tutors

We have been a trusted local provider of tutoring in the Bristol area for over 10 years. If you’d like to understand more about how we could help you, please get in touch.