SEND Support

At Bristol Tutors, our passion lies in making a positive impact on education and empowering students to achieve their utmost potential.


As an integral and trusted Alternative Learning Provider (ALP) in collaboration with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) in Bristol, we aspire to accompany your child on their educational and personal growth journey through tailored SEND support. Our expertise lies in delivering personalised tutoring services tailored to the unique requirements of each student.


With extensive experience working with different needs and abilities, our tutors can offer tutoring and mentoring focussed on your learner in a friendly and trusted environment. We offer a free meeting with one of our education consultants to discuss your requirements and work to ensure the student is comfortable in a relaxed learning setting. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional requirements, we are always updating our services and tutors!


Contact us today to see how we can provide SEND support!


Alternatively, visit our partner site to look at some SEND resources we have put together!

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