What’s Next After Tutoring

by | Jun 14, 2023 | Education

Exams are almost done

As a GCSE Mathematics tutor, the majority of my contracted hours will be coming to an end next week. For some students, I have only been working with them during the exam period, intensely covering any knowledge gaps that may appear in the test. Others have been a longer process, cultivating their understanding of the subject and mentoring them on how to study effectively.

Whenever you have been assigned a tutor or tutee, a connection has been built. Therefore, it can be difficult for that connection to finish once the goals have been achieved. So, here’s a few ideas on how to proceed once your Tutor-Student correspondence ends.


Closing Call

When assigned to a student, Greenhouse Learning tutors begin with an icebreaker call rather than going straight into teaching sessions. This allows a rapport to be built casually, find common interests which could potentially be used in questions, and ease any anxieties that could occur when meeting someone new.

Well, my suggestion is to do something similar after the final lesson – I just don’t have a name as cool as Icebreaker for it yet. Since these sessions normally end during peak exam times, stress and anxiety levels are relatively high. Therefore, it makes sense to wait until after tests are finished for a chat, seeing how they felt it all went. Alternatively, this can take place in August so definitive results can be shared and celebrated!

This closing call also allows a tutor-student review to take place. Again, the format can be fun rather than a serious assessment – we don’t want to burn these well-constructed bridges. Seeing what each other’s initial thoughts were and how you’ve both grown is a great way of tracking the progress that has been made. Constructive criticism, or just a mention of when a topic was difficult to understand for example, can lead to future improvement.



Whilst tutoring can happen at any age, its main objective is to prepare for upcoming examinations or improve at a particular vocation, such as music or learning a language. However, what if you need guidance on how to acquire a job, break into a new industry, or just general life advice?

My suggestion is to seek out a mentor or coach. Much like a tutor, mentors and coaches tailor their sessions to your needs. They can be an expert networker, scouring for opportunities, or a CV savant, proof-reading your applications. Previously, I was assigned a mentor through One Million Mentors, and she was brilliant at holding me accountable and reading my work. Look for an organisation in your local area or just ask someone who you admire – politely of course!


Pay it forward

If you enjoyed the tutoring experience you’ve had, the most rewarding thing you can do is share the knowledge. Help out a peer to create a revision schedule, or a younger sibling if they struggle in the same area. You can also use those skills to become a great tutor! Having been on the receiving end, you’ll be in a unique situation to empathise with your own student one day.

About Bristol Tutors

We have been a trusted local provider of tutoring in the Bristol area for over 10 years. If you’d like to understand more about how we could help you, please get in touch.