
Outstanding Tutors in Bristol

Bristol Tutors have many expert tutors specialising in a wide range of academic subjects, catering for students in primary education up to A Levels.

Our tutoring offers a flexible and personalised approach to ensure students can get the most out of sessions with a tutor who understands them academically and personally. We can be as adaptive as your unique learning needs require and support you in excelling.

We can work with your preferred methods of tuition delivery, including face-to-face, online and blended learning (an effective combination of both).

Tuition works best when there is a close line of communication between the student, tutor, parents/ carers and teaching staff.  We have a progress tracking system where tutoring is assessed periodically and school staff have access to summary reports, summarising the content covered and overall student progression.

If you would like more information, have a look at our parent company’s website here.

Private Clients

We have extensive experience in supporting parents/ carers and their students in a private educational setting. Our exceptional tutors are there to support your every need and work to provide lesson plans with engaging material to provide the personalised touch we pride ourselves on.

If you would like more information on how our tutoring sessions work, please visit here.

Schools and Councils

Since 2010, Bristol Tutors has worked in and with multiple Bristol schools and organisations to facilitate effective tutoring services in several different ways. It is of central importance to us to support education and children’s services in the city of Bristol and the wider area. Our alternative provision and school tuition now takes place through our parent company, Greenhouse Learning. 

We have substantial experience working with Pupil Premium, EHCP for SEND students and support for Children in Care. See here for more information on these different funding channels.

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